Sunday, December 21, 2008

How do they do it?

Imagine my surprise when I got up this morning, looked out the window at least 8 inches of snow and noticed my Sunday Oregonian lying in the driveway! I'm starting to think Santa came early and dropped the paper from his sleigh. I don't know how else the paper got to my house in the southwest hills.

School was cancelled every day this week, the garbage and recycling trucks never came but somehow the newspaper delivery and mail carriers still make it! While I don't want anyone risking their lives in order to make sure I can enjoy my paper and read my mail while I'm all cosy and snug in my house, I do send big kudos and a big thank you to them. You are appreciated!

And it does make me wonder what's up with the garbage trucks anyway? We're supposed to get our garbage picked up Thursday morning and now it's Sunday and its still here. Maybe the Oregonian and the USPS can give some lessons to the garbage collection companies about service?

1 comment:

Mel said...

All I want for Christmas is garbage/recycling service!