Saturday, November 21, 2015

Christian Faith in the Age of Refugees

What I truly don’t understand is why so many who call themselves Christians are reacting with such fear towards the refugees. Even though I don’t agree, I can understand why Christians are against SSM or “socialism” by the gov’t. I get that the Bible can be interpreted in ways to support those views. However, to me, there is no question at all on how we’re to treat refugees. None. And beyond that, if we do indeed serve a God who “casts out fear” and who “triumphs over evil” and to whom we’re to give up all in order to serve Him, then how can any Christian not help these obviously very hungry, thirsty and homeless? Or at the very least, recognize we should and understand that our faith may be too weak to actually do so boldly. But to try and say we shouldn’t?? I can’t wrap my mind—or my heart--around it.

I can understand if politicians, from a purely political viewpoint, want to close our borders to all. I can’t understand the politicians who say to do that in the name of Christianity.

Of those on FB and of my friends who have shown a viewpoint on the refugees, there are Christians, Jews, atheists, “nones” and at least one Pagan who has shown compassion and a welcoming spirit to the refugees, and isn’t driven by fear. Every friend who I’ve come in contact on this who is vehemently opposed to allowing refugees in, is a conservative Christian.  Every. Single. One.

Why is there such fear by Christians?? Is God not who we think He is? He is so weak? I feel like I’m barely hanging on as a Christian—and the only way I can possibly can continue to do so, is to  believe that God truly is the God of love, grace and compassion—and powerthat I believe Him to be. If I were to try and believe in this little God who would drive me to buys guns to protect myself, reject friends/family who are gay, and slam the door in the face of the needy, then I will walk away. I already have actually. That God is not my God.

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