Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Bells Are Ringing--make them stop, please!

OK. Curmudgeon warning ahead!

Just letting you know that a rant will be happening. One that I'm slightly nervous about posting lest I get branded a scrooge or a cheapskate. But, regardless, here goes.

Can we please get rid of the Salvation Army bellringers!! Augh! Nothing against SA per se. I haven't done research into them, but overall, they seem to provide good services and I hope they're doing so efficiently and being good stewards of their money, but the ringing--it's got to stop!!

Every flipping time we go near a store for weeks on end, those incessant ringers are there. Could they find a more annoying bell? Really? If they tried? I don't think so. So, first off, I'm already slightly annoyed since I'm doing grocery shopping or running errands and am always in a hurry. The bell just grates on my nerves and makes me crabbier by the second. Then, there's the pang of guilt because 99 out of 100 times I don't put money into the pot. Well, OK, make that 100. I don't want to encourage the bell ringer method of fundraising. At all. I could have just written a check for hundreds of dollars to poor blind starving orphans but since the ringers don't know that, they just see me as someone too rushed and crabby to show a little mercy and grace.

Which is true. I am. Too busy. Too annoyed. Too crabby. Not to give in general, but to give to them in that manner. Paul and I give to numerous causes both worldwide and local. We're pretty dang generous if I do say so myself. But I won't give to the SA bell ringers. I just want them to go away. Silent night--and day--where are you??


beckley said...

i hear ya- it's grading.

would it help to know that the bell-ringing campaign is by far their largest fundraiser of the year? it helped me to know that. i had no idea how much money that brings in to help poor people. i just keep telling myself that when it drives be stinkin crazy!!! :)

try googling salvation army 2008 christmas giving or something like that- i remember reading reports that the recession had hit them so terribly that they didn't know what they were going to do.

maybe they could work together with chili's babyback ribs and totally drive us insane? (i worked for GSDM advertising when they created that campaign- it was a joke at company meetings because everyone hated it, but knew it worked. so, we all painfully laughed together :)

Jane Jane said...

OK, you're right, Robyn. I will tell myself that there are a ton of people who probalby don't donate any other way and so if good comes from this, then I will grit my teeth and try to be less bothered!

In other words--I guess the end justifies the means??

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